Nanocapsules - Publications |
Manuel A.N. Coelho, Alessandra Gliozzi, Helmuth Möhwald, Eric Perez, Uwe Sleytr, Horst Vogel, Mathias Winterhalter. IEEE-Nanobiotechnology Nanocapsules with functionalized surfaces and walls (2004).
T. Ruysschaert, M. Germain, J. Gomes, D. Fournier, G. Suhorukov, W. Meier
and M. Winterhalter IEEE-Nanobiotechnology Liposome based nanocapsules (2000).
Chaize, B, Colletier JP, Winterhalter M, Fournier D (2003): Encapsulation of
enzymes in liposomes: High encapsulation efficiency and control of
substrate permeability. Artificial cells, Blood
Substitues and Biomedical Biotechnologie in press.
Colletier J-P., Chaize B., Winterhalter M. & Fournier D. (2002) Protein encapsulation in liposomes: efficiency depends on interactions between protein and phospholipid bilayer. BMC Biotechnology 2, 9.
Bosio, V, Investigating the interactions of polyelectrolyte coated surfaces by means of colloidal probe AFM. 2003, Universität Potsdam, submitted: Potsdam.
Bosio, V. and A. Fery, Interactions between surfaces coated by polyelectrolyte multilayers in aqueous environment : influence of precursor layer. manuscript in preparation, 2003.
Elsner, N., F. Dubreuil, and A. Fery, Tuning of microcapsule adhesion by varying the capsule-wall thickness. submitted to Phys. Rev. E, 2003.
Nolte, M. and A. Fery, Microstructuring of polyelectrolyte coated surfaces for directing capsule adhesion. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, in press, 2003.
Dubreuil, F., N. Elsner, and A. Fery, Elastic properties of polyelectrolyte capsules studied by atomic force microscopy and RICM. Europhys. J. E, in press, 2003.
Antipov A.A.. Ph.D. thesis, "Polyelectrolyte multilayer capsules as controlled permeability vehicles and catalyst carriers", June, 2003, University of Potsdam.
Shchukin, D.G., Radtchenko, I.L., Sukhorukov, G.B., (2003): Synthesis of Nanosized Magnetic Ferrite Particles Inside Hollow Polyelectrolyte Capsules, J. Phys. Chem. B, 107, 86-90.
Volodkin D.V., Balabushevitch N.G., Sukhorukov G.B., Larionova N.I. (2003): Inclusion of proteins in polyelectrolyte microparticles by alternative polyelectrolyte adsorption on protein aggregates. Biochemistry ( Moscow ), 68 (2), 283-289.
Petrov, A. I.; Gavryushkin, A. V.; Sukhorukov, G. B.; Effect of Temperature, pH and Shell Thickness on the Rate of Mg2+ and Ox2- Release from Multilayered Polyelectrolyte Shells Deposited onto Microcrystals of Magnesium Oxalate J. Phys. Chem. B.; 107(3); 868-875; 2003.
Shchukin, D.G., Radtchenko, I.L., Sukhorukov, G.B., (2003): Micron-Scale Hollow Polyelectrolyte Capsules with Nanosized Magnetic Fe3O4 Inside, Material Letters, 57 (11) 1743-1747.
Antipov, A.A., Sukhorukov, G.B., Möhwald, H. (2003): Influence of the Ionic Strength on the Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Permeability. Langmuir, 19 (6), 2444-2448.
Shenoy, D.B., Antipov, A.A., Sukhorukov, G.B., Möhwald, H. (2003): Layer-by-Layer Engineering of Biocompatible, Decomposable Core-Shell Structures. Biomacromolecules, 4, 265-272.
Antipov, A., Shchukin, D., Fedutik, Y., Zanaveskina, I., Klechkovskaya, V., Sukhorukov, G., Möhwald, H., (2003): Urease-catalyzed Carbonate Precipitation Inside Restricted Volume of Polyelectrolyte Capsules, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 24, 274-277.
Antipov, A.A., Shchukin, D., Fedutik, Y.A., Petrov, A.I., Sukhorukov, G.B., Möhwald, H. (2003): Carbonate microparticles for hollow polyelectrolyte capsules fabrication. Colloids and Surfaces A, 224, 175-183.
Gaponik, N., Radtchenko, I. L., Gerstenberger, M. R., Fedutik, Y. A., Sukhorukov, G. B. and Rogach, A. L., (2003): Labeling of Biocompatible Polymer Microcapsules with Near-IR-Emitting Nanocrystals. Nano Letters, 3, 369-372.
Saphiannikova, M., Radtchenko, I. L., Sukhorukov, G. B., Shchukin, D. G., Yakimansky, A. and Ilnitskyi, J., (2003): Molecular dynamics simulations and X-ray analysis of dye precipitates in the polyelectrolyte microcapsules. J. Chemical Physics, 118 (19), 9007-9014.
Lulevich, V. V., Radtchenko, I. L., Sukhorukov, G. B. and Vinogradova, O. I., (2003): Deformation properties of nonadhesive polyelectrolyte microcapsules studied with the atomic force microscope. J. Phys. Chem. B, 107 (12), 2735-2740.
Shchukin, D.G., Sukhorukov, G.B., (2003): Selective YF3 Nanoparticles Formation in Polyelectrolyte Capsules as Microcontainers for Yttrium Recovery from Water Solution. Langmuir, 19 (10) 4427-4431.
Shchukin, D.G., Dong, W., Sukhorukov, G.B., (2003): Spatially Confined Tungstate Ions Polymerization in Microcapsules. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 24 (7), 462-466.
Volodkin, D.V., Balabushevitch, N.G., Sukhorukov, G.B., Larionova, N.I. (2003): Model system for controlled protein release: pH-sensitive polyelectrolyte microparticles. STP Pharma Sciences, 13 (3), 163-170.
Dong, W.F., Sukhorukov, G.B., Mohwald H. (2003): Enhanced Raman imaging and optical spectra of gold nanoparticle doped microcapsules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 5 (14), 3003-3012.
Ibarz G., Dähne L., Donath E., Möhwald H., (2002) Resealing of polyelectrolyte capsules after core removal Macromol. Rapid Comm., 23 (8), 474.
Ibarz G., Dähne L., Donath E., Möhwald H., (2002) Controlled permeability of polyelectrolyte capsules via defined annealing Chem. Mater, 14 (10), 4059.
Georgieva R., Ibarz G., Sukhorukov G., Möhwald H.,(2003) Influence of high concentrated salt solutions on the properties of microsized polyelectrolyte hollow capsules manuscript in preparation.
Diaspro A., Federici F., Viappiani C., Krol S., Pisciotta M., Chirico G., Cannone F.,
Gliozzi A. (2003) Two-Photon Photolysis Of 2-Nitrobenzaldehyde Monitored By
Fluorescent Labeled Nanocapsules. J.Phys.Chem.-B, In Press.
Krol S., Diaspro A., Cavalleri O., Cavanna D., Ballario P., Grimaldi B., Filetici P., Ornaghi P., Gliozzi A. (2003) Nanocapsules - A Novel Tool For Medicine And Science. Nato Asi Conference, In Press.
Krol S., Diaspro A., Cavalleri O., Ramoino P., Gliozzi A. (2003) Encapsulated Yeast Cells Inside Paramecium Primaurelia: Model System For Protection Capability Of Polyelectrolyte Shells. J.Microscopy (Oxf), In Press.
Diaspro A., Krol S., Silvano D., Fronte P., Cavalleri O., Chirico G., Beltrame F., Ramoino P., Gliozzi A. (2003) Response Of Living Cells To Nano-Structured Polyelectrolyte Matrices Studied By Means Of 1-, 2- Photon Excitation Microscopy. Proc. Spie, 496.
Silvano D, Krol S, Cavalleri O, Diaspro A., Gliozzi A. (2002). Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Nanocapsules Derived From Cdco3 Templates Analyzed By Means Of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. Microscopy Research And Technique. 59, 536-541.
Diaspro A., Krol S., Cavalleri O., Silvano D., Gliozzi A. (2002). Microscopical Characterization Of Nanocapsules Templated On Ionic Crystals And Biological Cells Toward Biomedical Applications. Ieee Transactions On Nanobioscience. 1(3), 1-6.
A.Diaspro, D.Silvano, S.Krol, O.Cavalleri, A.Gliozzi "Single Living Cell Encapsulation In Nano-Organized Polyelectrolyte Shells", Langmuir, 18, 5047-5050, 2002.
Abstract in FOM 2003 in Genoa, Italy S. Krol, A. Diaspro, O. Cavalleri, D. Cavanna, D. Silvano, P. Ramoino, A. Gliozzi: Nanocapsules with permanent or removable core - An innovative tool for medicine and science!
Abstract in OP3: 5th International topical conference on optical probes of conjugated polymers and organic & inorganic nanostructures 2003 in Venice, Italy S. Krol, A. Diaspro, O. Cavalleri, D. Silvano, A. Gliozzi: Encapsulated living cells - bioreactors of the future?
Abstract in SIPBA 2002 in Trento, Italy A. Diaspro, S. Krol, O. Cavalleri, D. Silvano, A. Gliozzi: Fabrication of polyelectrolyte nanocapsules on ionic crystals and living cells.
Abstract in Annual meeting of the German Biophysical society/Nanobiotech 2001 in Muenster, Germany: S. Krol, D. Silvano, O. Cavalleri, A. Diaspro, G. Sukhorukov, A. Gliozzi: Influence of core preparation on the properties of polyelectrolyte nanocapsule
(invited) OP3: 5th International topical conference on optical probes of conjugated polymers and organic & inorganic nanostructures 2003 in Venice, Italy
S. Krol, A. Diaspro: Accessing the micro- and nano-level in biological systems by means of confocal and two-photon 3D microscopy.
Annual Nanocapsule meeting 2002 in Ringberg, Germany S. Krol, D. Silvano, O. Cavalleri, A. Diaspro, A. Gliozzi: Polyelectrolyte-based nanocapsules prepared onto cadmium carbonate crystal templates.
E-MRS 2002 in Strassbourg, France S. Krol, D. Silvano, A. Diaspro, O. Cavalleri, A. Gliozzi: Living cells and crystals as permanent or removable templates for Layer-by-Layer polyelectrolyte encapsulation.
YCGI 2002 in Cortona, Italy S. Krol, A. Diaspro, O. Cavalleri, D. Silvano, A. Gliozzi: Nanocapsules templated on ionic crystals and biological cells towards bio-medical applications.
D. Tareste, F. Pincet, S. Rickling, C. Mioskowski, L. Lebeau, E. "Energy of hydrogen bonds probed by the
adhesion of functionalised lipid layers", Biophys. J., 83, 3675-3681 (2002).
G. Bryant, S.R. Williams, Q. LinMao, I.K. Snook, E. Perez, and F. Pincet How hard is a colloidal "hard sphere" interaction? Phys. Rev. E 66, 060501(R) (2002).
L. Qian, G. Luengo, E. Perez, "Thermally activated lubrication with alkane layers: the effect of chain length", Europhys. Lett. 61 268-274 (2003).
C. Berger, F. Pincet, A. Mereau, C. Branlant, E. Perez, "Biomembrane force probe measurements on the REV-RRE interaction" (in preparation).
Annual Nanocapsule meeting, Ringberg, Germany, 24-27 Nov. 2002 "Friction studies
between adsorbed polymer layers" S. Moreno, E. Perez, A. Fery.
Annual Nanocapsule meeting, Ringberg, Germany, 24-27 Nov. 2002 " Rev / RRE interactions in HIV: a dynamic force spectroscopy study" C. Berger, F. Pincet, A. Mereau, C. Branlant, E. Perez.
Molecular Tribology, 7-10 décembre 2002, Marsta (Sweden) "Friction forces measurements between adsorbed polyelectrolyte layers », S. Moreno, E. Perez.
Molecular Tribology, 7-10 décembre 2002, Marsta (Sweden) "Thermally activated lubrication with alkanes:the effect of the chain length" E. Perez, L. Qian, G. Luengo.
Toca-Herrera, J.L., Bosio, V., Fery, A., Györvary, E., Pum, D., Möhwald, H., Sleytr, U.B. "S-layer coated nanocapsules" (manuscript in preparation).
Toca-Herrera, J.L., Bosio, V., Marek, M., Leporatti, S., Donath, E., Pum, D., Sleytr, U.B. "Carbohydrate-protein recognition: force spectroscopy applied to the system secondary cell wall polymer / S-layer" (manuscript in preparation).
CERC 3 Meeting in Göteborg (11-14 April 2003): Jose Toca-Herrera gave the oral presentation "Hollow polymeric capsules covered with S-layers".
Cordeiro, A.L..; Prevot, M.; Coelho, M.; Lvov, Y.; Besser, Sukhorukov, G.B.; Mohwald, H. ; "Mechanical Properties of Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Capsules", NanoBionics II - "From Molecules to Applications" Marburg (Germany), 22-26 September, 2002.
A. L. Cordeiro, M. Coelho, G. B. Sukhorukov and H. Möhwald "Development of a flow chamber and microfluid system for studying the mecanical properties of polyelectrolyte capsules" Conference European Colloid and Interface Society - 2003.
A. L. Cordeiro1, 2, M. Coelho2, M.C.S.Pereira G. B. Sukhorukov1 and H. Möhwald1 "Development of a flow chamber and microfluid system for studying the mecanical properties of polyelectrolyte capsules" IEEE-Nanobiotechnology (2003) in press.